Living Water exists to reach black women all over the world with God's message of love, hope and reconciliation.WHEN I MADE YOU, YOU WERE PERFECT
You are naturally beautifuljohn 4
Jesus'ministry to women that society has overlooked.how would Jesus Christ minister to black women?
The answer is found in John 4 one of Jesus' longest recorded conversations in the bible.KNOW & ASK
Jesus wants you to know & ask.JOHN 4:10
“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
In a world that is hostile and hateful towards black women, we cannot afford to perpetuate that hatred and hostility in the church.
The church has failed black women and has treated them with hatred, hostility, rejection and blocked the love of God for far too long.
Destroying the bondage that is blocking black women from hearing the gospel
Leave your water jars
I am the way
I love you and I want to be reconciled with you.
If we don’t first see people the way God created them, that is, if we don’t understand that all people were made in the image of God, then we cannot bring them the kingdom of God